Friday, 27 December 2013

News These Days!!

What would I gift my kid?

This post is a part of the 1001 Gifts Activity by HDFC Life in association with BlogAdda

Ok, so I am not yet even close to getting married but I do have a plan for my future kids. Of course, I want them to be better than me on every front and that's a high standard to live up to IMHO. Ok, well not so humble opinion. Anyway, playing Santa for my kid, I'd bring the following gifts for junior-

1. A beautiful love story.
If it's a girl, she'd be reading Mills and Boons anyway but, I'm talking about my story. There is no feeling warmer than being brought up in a loving family. I'd do a Ted Mosby and tell my kids about how I met their mother and what hurdles I had to cross to be the man that I was so that she could fall for me. Also, I'd love to introduce them to the Great love stories lying on the folklores of India because I do believe that stories of selfless dedication help in building character and integrity. For those interested, I am already writing my love story for my kids on my blog-How I meet her
Of course, I will introduce them to it when they reach the right age. I can be their love guru too.

2. Access to my private book collection.
There is no joy better than putting up a ladder or stool to climb up your dad's old bookshelf and discover the treasures lying there. I'd love to see junior do that and would actually introduce him to Weber, Wordsworth and other suchlike great minds so that he can stay inspired.

3. A hobby
I know, I know, you can't gift someone a hobby but, I believe that us Indian parents treat hobbies as luxuries. Most of us. I'd identify his inner musician/ painter/ martial artist/ sportsman and let him explore it since early childhood. I am sure this gift will take him places.

4. An yearly trip to some far away land.
A wise man once said that there are only two kinds of wise people in this World. The ones who have read a lot and those who have traveled a lot. I'd give him the soul of a nomad. Teach him to respect all cultures, all religions and judge no one.

5. A cool dad!
I'd listen to them, be there when they're rehearsing for a big play, play cricket with them, take them out every once in a while. I'd gift them ME!

Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Indian Tango Contest by The Readers' Cosmos

So, The Readers' Cosmos has once again come up with a Book contest and an amazing book - Indian Tango by Ananda Devi is up for grabs. Here is my entry for the contest. Just a montage of all things that come to mind when I flash the thought of "India" through my mind.

Here are the details of the contest- Click here

Friday, 6 December 2013

The Law Of Maximum And Minimum

Now, I am not sure whether what I am going to say has already been covered by some great philosopher or sociologist but heck, it's my blog and I am gonna say it! This is my law and I am going to call it "The ABD theory". Hope the World calls it that too some day.

When we study capitalism, we often see the haves and have-nots but in our societies, we have many degrees of both quantifiable and intangible assets. I am here to talk about two of those categories- first is the ones who have a lot of something and second is the category of those who have only the bare minimum. My theory is that these two categories achieve the most in life. In general, mediocrity breeds mediocrity while scarcity and abundance, both give rise to excellence. Now, this theory might seem like a no-brainer without an explanation and examples. Chances are that it'll still seem a no-brainer after I am done with the post but, bear with me-

Even seen a guy with a girl and thought to yourself, "Damn! How did he score that chick?" Well, the answer lies in the desperation coefficient. Higher the shortcomings in a guy's personality, higher is his desperation coefficient. This leads to the evolution of a self-deprecating style of humour which is absolutely adorable and covertly flirtatious. Also, the "aww factor" multiplies by the exact number of times the girl's is hotness is higher than the guy. Coming to the handsome guys, they score pretty well for obvious reasons.

Another example is of financial constraint. Guys who have no money strive harder for it and are earning sooner than the ones coming from better off families. Guys with a lot of money also end up earning well as they have a certain lifestyle to maintain.

This law can be applied in many fields but the more important point of interest here is- the exceptions. If it's a rule, then how come there are so many exceptions? So many poors who remain poor, ugly guys who remain single, rich guys who are unsuccessful, handsome guys who remain unmarried? The concept lies in "desperation coefficient", fortunately or unfortunately, desperation is a sociological and relative term. If, you don't feel the scarcity, you won't work hard to overcome it. So, here is where the psychology comes into play.

In the example of an ugly guy, if he is born in a protective environment, told that he'll be fine, he'll not try anything out of the ordinary to succeed and hence, end up in the mediocre zone. Now, to be judging him for this choice would be really shallow and as a sociologist, one must stop and the result and not conclude anything.

So, I am not saying mediocrity, scarcity or abundance are rivals and one of them is a winner. They're just lifestyles and adaptations according to situations.