Baramulla Bomber
Clark Prasad
Niyogi Books
code: 978-93-81523-97-1
Rs 395
Sci-fi Espionage Thriller
Pages- 313

the back cover introduction reads "An ancient weapon from the
Vedas and Bible once hunted by the Nazis, powered by the sound of the
universe, reborn with the help of quantum physics going to be
unleashed onto the World and Kashmir holds its secret.", I
cannot help but get intrigued. This book sells itself through its
very description. Science fiction meets espionage and a fast-paced,
action-packed saga is born. The book is only the first "Eka"
of the Svastik Triology and leaves one wondering what else has the
author in store for us in the coming sequels.
word about the author Suraj Prasad aka Clark Prasad- "a
healthcare management consultant who had dreamt of being an
archeologist or an astronaut." it says in his bio. Well, when
you read the book you'd come to know how the novel is actually an
extension of his own self. Currently based in Bengaluru, the author
has lived in Lagos (Nigeria), Delhi, Mangalore and Kozhikode and is
deeply influenced by Carl Sagan's "Cosmos". I see
definitely influences of Jeffery Archer and Dan Brown in his writing
and also a bit of Tolkien. You'd understand what I am talking about
once you read the book.
the book starts with a 'Warning' in bold letters not to flip through
pages lest the suspense will evaporate and a request to the bloggers
not to reveal the plot. I sense a deep attachment of the author with
his story and I'd like to talk as less about the plot and characters
as possible. Then science and religion are brought to a confluence on
the next two pages where Albert Einstein, Rig Veda and the Bible are
quoted hinting toward a cosmic religion. The book has graphic
illustrations at different places which make the story come alive and
give it an eerie realness. The main characters are Mansur Haider- A
Kashmiri and his girlfriend Ahana Yajurvedi. We also have Swedish
intelligence officer Adolf Silfverskiold who is a non-believer. These
are the pawns being played on a chessboard much larger than they can
imagine. Let's leave it at that.
chapter begins with a World map and a target focus sign above the
area where the event is about to transpire, that gives the novel the
feel of an action movie. The novel has broad spatio-temporal horizons
and at one juncture we're talking about the ancient times, suddenly
we're in medieval era and the next moment we're in present day World.
The book is bigger than its characters and they all come to life in a
World where conspiracies run deep and high. The chapters are also
designed to serve as a countdown to the climax which makes the book
to be read in a single sitting with zero distractions.
language used in the book caters to an average Indian reader who is
just starting out with Indian fiction. The author tries not to be
fanciful with the wordplay and is probably because he has already
given the reader too much to munch on already in terms of drama and
suspense. Personally, I could have gone for a language that suits
with the intricacy of the plot but maybe to the author, the thickness
of the plot was enough codification already. The pages are crisp and
the novel is a definite page-turner. At 313 pages, the novel is
fast-paced read and ideal for journeys and long waiting hours. To be
very honest, Clark does not try to do an H G Wells or a Tolkien with
the theme, he takes the story and slowly weaves it around with tools
that he finds fit.
more thing is the clear lack of intellectual snobbery in the book.
The book is not about turning non-believers into believers. When you
go to the movies, you don't reason with the director about the themes
and theology of the plot, similarly, this book requires you to
indulge yourself without any pre-conceived notions and simply enjoy
the read. There are books that are for niche audience and there are
ones for everyone. This one is somewhere in between.
give the book 2.75 out of five stars.
This review is a part of the Readers' Cosmos Book Review Program. Thank you Nimi Vashi for these amazing opportunities. :-)
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