Tuesday, 21 February 2012

100% Real- The Kissan 100% Real Blogger Contest

This is about the Kissan 100% Real Blogger Contest on Indiblogger. Check it out- The contest.

I have grown up in a small town and have had many "real" experiences. The best part is the unadulterated love and the feeling of a well-knit family. Here, I'd like to share with you some of the "real" experiences of my life.

The caring grandfather.
My grandfather is a very caring and loving soul. He used to watch out for me all the time and used to panic whenever I used to fall or collide. He still does but, now I am a big boy and he knows that I can take care of myself. He still is generous with his words of caution and I soak it all in because I know it's his love speaking. When I had newly learned riding the bicycle, I used to ride in my colony and it was ok, but the first time I wanted to take it to my school and "show off", he was worried. He gave me his word of caution and I heard him, took mental notes, I was nervous too. When I set off in the morning for school, I heard the sound of his Luna, turned around to see that he was ready to come with me. He drove by side, watching out and taking care of me. I still can't forget that day.

The helpful strangers
This one also involves me and my bicycle. I was crossing the road once on my cycle when a motorbike ran into me and I lost my balance, my bike fell and I fell on ground- wrist first! Soon there was a crowd. A shopkeeper came with an ice-pack, another shopkeeper from the nearby store took me to his shop, made me sit and calmed me down. I see accidents happening today and people not doing a thing to help the strangers. Times- they are a-changing!

The Diwali cleaning
Every year, on diwali, me and my Dad climb up the attics and clean up all the dust to please Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi. The cloth-piece across our nose, the broom cleaning up spider-webs from the nooks and crannies, the way we work as a team, sharing that special bond and the love toward our abode- make this experience 100% real.

My stubborn childhood
I was an undemanding, simple kid as a child but there is one blot on my record. Once we were on a trip, I was some 3-4 years old and we went to visit a family. In their home, there was a toy dog neatly kept in the drawing room shelf! I don't remember it but my parents tell me that I threw a huge tantrum until the toy was taken out and given to me. I still have that dog with me, at my home. It stays in the drawing room shelf looking at me, telling me that I wasn't a 100% real good boy! I don't know why but that feeling makes me warm from inside.

There are many such stories that I can go on and on about but, I must conclude here that life is as real as you make it. Being true to oneself will make your every experience real. So, love truly and live happily.