Well, Internet is fun indeed. Why? Why!? You ask why? Social networking, games, maps, GPS... need I list all the options? I am sure you'll get bored and I'll get tired listing them all. The most important thing that internet has brought for me is the sense of belonging not as an individual but as a citizen of the planet earth. I am capable of communicating with the millions of voices across the planet, I am capable of joining the bandwagons of my choice; for that I have an array of choices too!
I can support a cause, send emails to my favourite celeb, apply for jobs of my choice, all that and more at a single click from my mobile handset.
It's a fascinating world with a wide variety of options to choose from. In an age when the electronic media is throwing news at my face, I can choose what to watch, what to hear through the internet. Newspapers, TV channels tell me the news but the internet tells me things to which I can relate.
Social networking is fun.
Websites like twitter squeeze life out of the latest news and happenings. It's like a big lounge where everyone knows everyone. People are more polite, eased out and free over the internet; there are exceptions always but internet makes communication with straangers easy and quick. Internet in fact has played match-maker to many of my friends, the sequence is carried forward by the mobile phone and the low fares during night-time are just what the doctor ordered for these love-lorn hearts.
Thinking of online dating, this song comes to mind -
Also, the internet has made declaring your love to your loved one so easy. Now you can just change your status from "single" to "in a relationship" and zip zap zoom come all the inquiries- "Who is she? Kab milwa raha hai? Party de na!" etc etc
Also it has become easier for the parents to track down their wards' whereabouts and nail them down but we won't talk about that because we are here to look at the bright side.
Following sports is fun!
Stuck in a lecture class and your favourite IPL team requires 6 runs from the last 2 balls? All attention is diverted to the guy with the phone with an internet pack or cricket updates subscription and you can never miss out on a nail-biter. The junkies have their fill without missing the odd lectures. In fact, it is somewhat like the return of the golden era when the whole village would sit near the transister and hear the running commentary and rejoice on every six; except that the transister has been replaced by the internet; which is FUN!
"Abey score kya hai?" Statistics have proved that our nation's favourite question has been asked less often in public places now that everyone has his own scorecard delivered to their mobile phone.
Following a car is fun!
Now with the help of internet, I can never get lost while traveling alone. People like me who are hesitant to ask for directions have the help of browsing the world through their mobiles. Not only maps, it finds me the quickest routes with least traffic! Unfortunately, it still doesn't have the button which says "stalk" and you just need to click it and all you can do is follow that pretty dame all day. On second thoughts, that would be creepy.
Finally I leave you with this old classic which pretty much sums up how internet follows us everywhere in our lives these days-
This entry is for Indiblogger's contest titled Internet is fun on Vodafone!
Here is a link to all the Vodafone fun- www.vodafone.in/fun
I can support a cause, send emails to my favourite celeb, apply for jobs of my choice, all that and more at a single click from my mobile handset.
It's a fascinating world with a wide variety of options to choose from. In an age when the electronic media is throwing news at my face, I can choose what to watch, what to hear through the internet. Newspapers, TV channels tell me the news but the internet tells me things to which I can relate.
Social networking is fun.
Websites like twitter squeeze life out of the latest news and happenings. It's like a big lounge where everyone knows everyone. People are more polite, eased out and free over the internet; there are exceptions always but internet makes communication with straangers easy and quick. Internet in fact has played match-maker to many of my friends, the sequence is carried forward by the mobile phone and the low fares during night-time are just what the doctor ordered for these love-lorn hearts.
Thinking of online dating, this song comes to mind -
Also, the internet has made declaring your love to your loved one so easy. Now you can just change your status from "single" to "in a relationship" and zip zap zoom come all the inquiries- "Who is she? Kab milwa raha hai? Party de na!" etc etc
Also it has become easier for the parents to track down their wards' whereabouts and nail them down but we won't talk about that because we are here to look at the bright side.
Following sports is fun!
Stuck in a lecture class and your favourite IPL team requires 6 runs from the last 2 balls? All attention is diverted to the guy with the phone with an internet pack or cricket updates subscription and you can never miss out on a nail-biter. The junkies have their fill without missing the odd lectures. In fact, it is somewhat like the return of the golden era when the whole village would sit near the transister and hear the running commentary and rejoice on every six; except that the transister has been replaced by the internet; which is FUN!
"Abey score kya hai?" Statistics have proved that our nation's favourite question has been asked less often in public places now that everyone has his own scorecard delivered to their mobile phone.
Following a car is fun!
Now with the help of internet, I can never get lost while traveling alone. People like me who are hesitant to ask for directions have the help of browsing the world through their mobiles. Not only maps, it finds me the quickest routes with least traffic! Unfortunately, it still doesn't have the button which says "stalk" and you just need to click it and all you can do is follow that pretty dame all day. On second thoughts, that would be creepy.
Finally I leave you with this old classic which pretty much sums up how internet follows us everywhere in our lives these days-
This entry is for Indiblogger's contest titled Internet is fun on Vodafone!
Here is a link to all the Vodafone fun- www.vodafone.in/fun