Hey 2008, you've been a great company thus far.... but just as I betrayed 2007 and fell in your lap... I must betray you for my mistress that I have secretly been thinking of: 2009. I know I am a dog, I know, I know.
Anyway... I'll remember you. You've been an year of self-realization. Whew! You almost turned me into an out and out emo! I rode through sea waves, touched (well, almost!) the corals... stayed on islands... traveled through all kinds of terrains... so, basically you were an year of travel; both geographically and psychologically. And yet, I can't say... Boy! Have I come a long way or not! 'Cause, I have not! I am still there. Maybe an inch or two deeper in the mud with cow-dung flung over my face and no mirror to laugh at myself.
I thank you for being an year of experiences. I maintain that an experience- no matter bad or good- is an experience. I don't thank you for throwing the realization over and over again to my face that I am not God, I cannot be God and I don't like the guy who's on the job at the moment 'cause frankly, he's pathetic at it. Terrible! And no, Santa didn't come this year either! Blah!
Hoping 2009 would be a little more terror-free, peaceful and would at least fetch me a loving girlfriend and some trustworthy friends.
Addition: ....And a bike!
Additional addition: ... A Sports bike! A stylish one!
Additional additional addition: .... A Yamaha FZ to be specific.